Samovyklápěcí nákladní vagón modelové železnice v měřítku HO pro železniční modeláře ve modelářské kvalitě na přepravu sypkých hmot - 434-2064023 Lionel Chicago & North Western (CNW) #121175 HO Ex-B&LE 70-Ton Center Discharge Ore Car samovyklápěcí vagón na přepravu rudy.

Small cars for heavy loads! Ore and taconite trains have been the lifeblood of America s steel industry for generations. Don t let their small size fool you, these little cars can carry a lot of weight. Based on a common design used by many railroads, these HO ore and taconite cars are ready to go to work on your layout. With die-cast metal bodies, metal wheels, axles and couplers, these little cars will track beautifully around your layout. Assembling long trains is easy thanks to two separate six-packs as well as single cars all with unique numbers. Each car also includes a removable plastic load. Optional drawbars are included for operators who, like the prototype, want to drawbar blocks of cars together to reduce couplers.

Operating metal knuckle couplers. Free-rolling trucks with metal wheels. Die-cast metal bodies. Removable plastic loads. HO Ore Cars Sales Sheet. Min Curve: 18". Length: 3.5".

Why are ore cars so short? Because the iron ore they carry is considerably heavier than typical hopper loads like coal, so a short car of ore fills the load capacity of its trucks. Ore cars, also called "jennies," were and still are a common sight in the Iron Range region of Minnesota, USA, and nearby states, where they shuttle between mines and Great Lakes ports. On the receiving end, jennies travel between ore docks and steel mills in a number of states. While they are commonly associated with upper Midwestern ore-hauling roads, ore cars have in fact been rostered by nearly 50 North American railroads, and at least a dozen have owned significant numbers of jennies.

Unlike conventional coal hoppers, the prototypes of our ore car, originally built in the 1940s and 50s, used a construction technique that would later revolutionize grain hoppers: eliminating the center sill that normally formed the basis of a freight car underframe, in favor of heavier side sills that supported the weight of the car. This made room for "center discharge" hopper doors positioned lengthwise under the car, to dump the load neatly between the rails at ore docks.

Until World War II, ore cars generally carried "direct shipping" ore: ore that was rich enough in iron (60% or more) that it could be shipped direct to steel mills as a raw material. By the end of the war, however, the richer ore deposits began to play out. Lower-grade taconite, once considered a waste product of mining, became the raw material of choice, and by the mid-1960s accounted for the majority of ore shipments. Rather than being shipped as raw ore, taconite is refined and rolled into small pellets containing about 65% iron. Because taconite pellets are lighter than direct shipping ore, many railroads have increased the interior volume of their jennies by adding short extensions to the tops of the cars.

Chicago amd North Western (CNW) byla železnice I. třídy na středozápadě Spojených států známá také jako "Severozápadní"("North Western") s více než 5 000 mil (8 000 km) tratí na přelomu 20. století a s více než 12 000 mil (19 000 km) tratí v sedmi státech před redukcí tratí na konci 70. let. Do roku 1972, kdy společnost koupili její zaměstnanci, se jmenovala Chicago and North Western Railway (nebo Chicago and North Western Railway Company). C&NW se stala jednou z nejdelších železnic ve Spojených státech díky procesu slučování s jinými železnicemi, jako byly Chicago Great Western Railway, Minneapolis a St. Louis Railway a další. Do roku 1995 prodeje traťových úseků nebo zrušení provozu na nich snížily celkovou délku tratí na přibližně 5 000 mil. Sem patřily traťové odbočky s lehkým provozem v Iowě, Illinois, Minnesotě, Jižní Dakotě a Wisconsinu. Velké prodeje traťových úseků za vzniku železnic, jakou byla Dakota, Minnesota a Eastern Railroad, dále pomohly zredukovat železniční síť na hlavní jádro s několika regionálními přivaděči a větvemi. Železniční společnost Union Pacific (UP) nakonec skoupila společnost v dubnu 1995 a integrovala ji do své sítě s vlastním provozem.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the small edition size and the great demand for this item, allocations are expected to occur.


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