Deutsche Reichsbahn #98 002 HO Class ITV Twin Engine Steam Locomotive DCC

Deutsche Reichsbahn #98 002 HO Class ITV Twin Engine Steam Locomotive DCC
Věkové omezení:14
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Výrobce: Gützold

Cena 25 983,00 Kč s 21% DPH

Parní lokomotiva modelové železnice v měřítku HO pro železniční modeláře ve špičkové kvalitě - Gützold 53030 Deutsche Reichsbahn #98 002 HO Class ITV Twin Engine Steam Locomotive DCC.

The Model includes flawless lettering and comes in a beautiful silk-mat finish. The model includes several details such as pumps, steam pipes, sand pipes, handles, and containers that are assembled manually. This model would be great for any layout. Add one to your collection today.

Model Details:

8-pin interface. 4 Traction Tires. Coupling Pick-up and Close Coupling Kinematics. Directional Lighting. White/White LED Lighting. Prepared for Smoke Generator.

Because of the winding and rampant lines in Saxony, the Saxony Railway company ordered locomotives with 2 steam engines in the bogies at Hartmann Company in Chemnitz. The first 10 of the18 units were delivered in 1910. The locomotives of class ITV got the numbers 1381 to 1398.

The Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft took over fifteen locomotives of class ITV. The new road numbers were 98 001 to 98 015. Twelve locomotives came to Deutsche Reichsbahn after Second World War. The last engine of class 98 retired in 1967. The 98 001 belongs to the Traffic Museum Nurnberg and is parked in the Museum of Technology in Chemnitz.

Era I Privately owned and provincial railroads from the startup phase of railroads to about 1925.

Era II Formation of the large state railroad networks from 1925 to 1945.

Era III New organization of the European railroads and modernization of the locomotives and rolling stock from 1945 to 1970.

Era IV All locomotives and cars lettered according to standard European regulations, the so called UIC computer lettering, from 1970 to 1990.

Era V Changes in the color schemes and the origins of the high speed networks since 1990.

Era VI Introduction by the UIC since 2006 of new guidelines for lettering. Locomotives are now given a 12 digit UIC number.

In 1946 John Gützold and his wife Erna started a piston foundry in Zwickau, Germany. They had three sons Bernd, Hans, and Lutz. In 1948 he gave each of his sons a train set made of wood and metal. The boys really had a lot of fun with them, which pleased John.

For Christmas 1950, he gave his sons a complete H0 model train layout with a tank locomotive for the 3-Rail AC system . The locomotive had a cast aluminum housing with a zinc frame. In the same year Gützold had already begun with the production of HO plastic structures. With that, John Gützold laid the foundation for a professional production of model railway locomotives in H0 scale.

In 1952 he produced the first prototypical locomotive of the German locomotive class BR24. The model was produced in both 2-Rail DC and 3-Rail AC and it was equipped with a Ehlcke universal motor one of the first such motors on the market. In 1968 John Gützold handed the company over to his son Bernd Gützold.

In 1972, as part of the nationalization of private enterprises in the GDR , the company was turned into a state-owned enterprise and traded under the name VEB Railroad Model Zwickau. In 1974, Bernd Gützold merged the operation with several Zwickau toy manufacturers. In 1982 the group was merged again into Toys Sonneberg , and the Gützold products were sold under the trade name Piko. After the German reunification in 1990, Gützold again became a family business and the company was incorporated as Gützold GmbH & Co. KG.

After initial difficulties Gützold could re-establish itself on the model railway market with new developments such as the German “Kriegslok” BR52. Gützold produced high-quality locomotives and rolling stock both in H0 and TT scale. In the fall of 2012, the company ceased production because Bernd Gützold decided he wanted to retire. In March 2013, a group of investors from Dresden acquired the the company, and production began again on April 15 of that year. The first new model under the new ownership is the exquisite German express locomotive BR03.10. This new models is excellent and the beginning of a bright new future for the Gützold company.

Gützold models have extensive details and an incredible running performance. When compared to other manufactures Gützold best feature is that they are MADE IN GERMANY.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the small edition size and the great demand for this item, allocations are expected to occur.


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